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Sharon Murphy

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Sharon Murphy is a Lexington, KY native who grew up in North Lexington. She received a bachelor's degree in Political Science and a minor in Philosophy from the University of Kentucky. Sharon received her Master of Public Policy, concentration in Social Policy from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University. After returning to Lexington in August 2014, she became a Voter Empowerment Organizer for Kentuckians for the Commonwealth and stayed with the organization where she became a very active member.  Sharon has completed two statewide programs; Emerge Kentucky and New Leaders Kentucky.


With over 5 years of experience in public policy and community organizing, she has  demonstrated  pursuing and executing solutions for  her community. Sharon believes  in a society where everybody succeeds regardless of what obstacles may lie ahead of them, we must attack obstacles and injustices head on.

I believe that in society, there are two types of people – those who watch things happen,  and those who make things happen. I work every day to be an agent of change and make things happen to better my community. 



RealLifeCivics LLC  and is paid for and authorized by Sharon Murphy

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